The winter that kept coming back to haunt me
This month the weather started out looking fantastic so I just had to get out on the water...
Never one to be put off by reality I shoved off into Denial ... ah... the Nip. (A pond in Bridgewater, MA)

The next weekend the weather held, so I took the tarp off the pocket cruiser (working name thus far either "Zombi" or "Dead Fish") and pulled off the companionway doors to replace the woodwork...

I wonder if there will be a sailing season this year.

Never one to be put off by reality I shoved off into Denial ... ah... the Nip. (A pond in Bridgewater, MA)

punting in a canoe

I never did get much further than this.

The next weekend the weather held, so I took the tarp off the pocket cruiser (working name thus far either "Zombi" or "Dead Fish") and pulled off the companionway doors to replace the woodwork...