Crabber's Super Yang sails again!
We suffered a ramp mishap one day after a pleasant day in Wikford. The Yang needed some help and I thought it sounded interesting, so I got the job.
...and we ripped the chainplate out of the bow with a bit of decking and a cleat

I epoxied in a stainless steel plate and strap to support the chainplate, cleat and deck and a glassed plywood board to support the deck.

all epoxied back ready to splash (still needs a bit of paint, but it should work)I took Super Yang to Lake Nipetucket in Bridgewater, Ma for a first try at sailing after the crunch.

I straightened the mast and reinforced the inside with aluminumm pipe.

I epoxied in a stainless steel plate and strap to support the chainplate, cleat and deck and a glassed plywood board to support the deck.

all epoxied back ready to splash (still needs a bit of paint, but it should work)I took Super Yang to Lake Nipetucket in Bridgewater, Ma for a first try at sailing after the crunch.
The mast stands pretty straight.
The main flys right
The jib up and all holding well. I think the repairs will do.
...but the lake won't. I kept running aground. The lake is generally shallow anyway and with the dry summer we've had I couldn't find enough water to enjoy the outting, so I swore a bit and yanked out as soon as I was comfortable with the strength of the rig.
Hey Zombi! Welcome back! Wow, what happened on the ramp?!? Low clearance? My buddy Chris almost did that to the Surprise last spring. We were in his Jeep and making our way to the ramp when suddenly we heard rustling leaves and a sickening crunch (thank God we had the windows open). The boat lifted about 3 feet off the trailer. Fortunately we were'nt going fast enough to cause any damage (other than knocking off my windvane and dumping a few dozen leaves and twigs in the cockpit).
I am going up to Sandusky on Friday to haul out for the season (saddest day of the season). This whole not having a trailer thing is new to me!
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