I managed another daysail without catastrophy.
Ratman @ tiller - dead calm, still New Bedford, MA
I scavenged a fiddleblock mainsheet from the Vagabond that I hoped would take some of the twist out of the sail (and would be fun to play with). It really seamed to make a difference.
Crabbers was amused that the only knife I had to cut some zip ties was a machette. I managed to put a slice in my wrist too, He said it was the right way (allong, not across) so I wasn't just looking for attention, I must be serious.
Theere's dangerous rogues sailing these waters!
I tried to shoot a few pictures of Young Doctor Kilcrab, but I'm not smarter than the inanimate camera. I focussed the thing a bunch of times on what would have been great shots, but never tripped the damned shutter! This post will feature only me.
"Marina Bay" Yachtingly exclusive, but they didn't toss us out.
We made landfall at Marina Bay in Quincy and ran up the dock for a drink before heading back out into the wild blue.

Forecastle dancing (or "shrouded in mistery")
I was really happy to have gotten a chance to splash Gondwa Naland again. It's always better to sail with company and boats need water.
Hey Zombi! Glad to see you out on the water. Thanks for the comments about the boat's new look. Actually, while my paintjob looks good in the photos, the imperfections are DEFINITELY there! Actually I'm heading back up to the boat this weekend. I have been away from my lovely Luna for almost a month! The plan now is to island hop from Sandusky to Kelley's Island and finally to Put-In-Bay. I'll be sure to snap a lot of pics!
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