
Sunday, April 15, 2007

More from Newport

This was pretty good scenery sailing right by cliffs. I did manage to get the jib up a bit later. My wife (with camera in hand) met me at a pier down the beach a bit and we spent a pleasant couple of hours irritating the local kids' sailing club.

The ramp I used is at Fort Adams State Park. There is a good ramp, if a bit steep. It is listed on the chart as 3' water at mean low water, That looked to be about right. There is no dock and the wind can blow right to the nearby beach, so be ready to push off the pilings and sail away as soon as you're clear! There were no fees and very little ramp use that day with plenty of parking. It's still off-season. I don't know how this is on-season.

Newport, RI Finaly the weather is decent!

Brenton Cove, Newport, RI 15 April, 2007
tuning the rigging (I play the upright mast.)

Because of the pilings, I couldn't raise the sails until I cast off.

This is a little out of order. I got the sail up, but I didn't have time to put in the long battens. I was plagued by luffing and poor sail shape the whole time I was out.

running on outboard(paddle) fighting the wind in the dead end on the cove trying to get out far enough to raise the main without drifting back onto the beach
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