Little Compton to Marthas Vinyard
It's been a while since I took this trip, but since nothing went seriously wrong, I have been having trouble getting up ambition to write about it. Without major catastrophe I don't get too excited.
I left from Town Landing at Little Compton, RI, sailed out across RI Sound and the mouth of Buzzards Bay, through Cuttyhunk harbor and out to Aquinah. When I arrived I was tired, so I tossed out the anchor I made last year and crawled into the cabin to snooze. It took about 6 hours for the trip.
The next morning I woke around 5 and paddled ashore in an inflatable kayak I brought along as a tender. I wandered up the beach looking for a bath house. I found it. It was closed. I went back to Gondwa and packed up.
I headed along the little cove I was in under jib alone until I was better sheltered from the gentle waves. I heated some soup, packed up and headed back out to Little Compton. About a half mile out the pleasant breeze that was moving me along at something like three knots died completely.
I spent the whole day drifting with just enough wind to hold the sail to leeward with infrequent bits of breeze giving me a gentile shove. I got a pretty good sunburn and took a few pictures.

With a little luck (my kind of luck) my next trip will be a bit more adventurous!
Ya gotta love those uneventful trips! Winds have been dead here in Cincinnati as well. I am actually considering an upgrade on this end. I'm looking at a '72 Columbia 26' in Sandusky, OH (on Erie). I'm going up for a test sail Sunday. Here's to stiff winds and stiffer drinks! -joefish
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