
Friday, September 29, 2006

a late seaton quickie

I tossed in tonight after work at Lake Massapoag in Sharon, MA.

I didn't know how shallow that lake is! I had to paddle easily a hundred meters to find enough water to drop my daggerboard, then I grounded while cruising merrily on a reach far from any shore. It was nice to get the boat into the water again, but it was so late I only had time to zip out and turn back before dark. About half an hour after sorting through all the stuff I had prepared for an overnighter that never happened due to a flat tire on the trailer on the way to launch.
My wife showed up with a camera and got a few pictures berfore all the light was gone.


Blogger Zombi said...

I tossed in yesterday (Saturday, 14 Oct, 2006)at Plymouth (Ma). They've started charging $5 to launch and park!
I brought my photographer along, but she didn't bring a camera. She redeemed herself by finding a beer openner while under way.
The weather was great. There was an interesting squal covering about a square kilometer. My navigator (also photographer and beer tender) noticed the squal as it aproached he south end of Plymouth Beach from the East. We watched the serious wind driven chop move west aproaching and making landfall at the beach from a comfortable distance of about two miles to the north. The beach looked to take a bit of a beating.
We had limited time, so we rounded the channel marker just beyond the light off Saquish and beat back into the harbor. Overall a nice sail.

7:32 AM, October 15, 2006  

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